Please man, I don’t want to smell your finger…

So I had friends from Arizona come out last weekend to hang and attend the New Brew Thursday 3rd Anniversary Party at Beachwood BBQ in Long Beach. But being out of stater’s, and denied the sheer beer pouring power of San Diego, I of course had to take them on a little trip down south. Down, into whale’s vagina.

These poor fuckers won't know what hit 'em.

These poor fuckers won’t know what hit ’em.

After many beers at various breweries, a local friend showed up and took us to Hamilton’s, which is one of my favorite bars down there. Shit’s always taster’s choice on tap. After another few brews, and some people eating nacho fries, we headed to Toronado. Another top spot, we hung out with some locals, and watched one of my buddies get his ass handed to him in a Victory at Sea Pint Chugging race. I mean, he got worked; not that I would have done any better, especially with that big brew. After a leisurely stroll and half a Founders breakfast stout in the parking lot, SD’s finest got the drop on us. We had to painfully watch half a bottle of that fine elixir get dumped into some rose bushes. Lucky fucking rose bushes… Well to sum it up, we got pretty tanked. Local homie EQ gets big props for keeping the ship steady and driving for us. Oh and about those nacho fries….

When you go balls deep in Whales vagina, sometimes you errupt unexpectedly...

When you go balls deep in Whales vagina, sometimes you erupt unexpectedly…

Saturday night, the masses of SoCal beer heads came out to Beachwood BBQ in Long Beach for the New Brew Thursday Anniversary party. This thing was awesome, even though I wasn’t really drinking but a taste or two, as I had driver duties that night. I’d say at least 200 bombers we’re devoured by the masses. Dr. Bill Sysak was there to pour many of them, including this magnum of 2006 Double Bastard. Big congrats to Bill, John, Matt, and Stephen for three great years and to many more!

Dr. Bill broke out quite a few from his cellar, this being one of them.

Dr. Bill broke out quite a few from his cellar, this big bad bitch being one of them.

Many a bottle and glass were broken towards the end. I believe there was some inappropriate ass fingering and the subsequent forced smelling of said ass finger, titty twisters, and even a few cup checks between a couple individuals. This was a new perspective for me, seeing the drunken debauchery from sober eyes, especially at a beer event. But it was an awesome time none the less, the NBT guys threw a killer event that was to be remembered for a long time.

All in all a good weekend. It’s good to get hang time in with your friends. Good to get out of your town and delve into another, and see what’s out there. Good to eat more than just nacho fries before a drinking spree. So much good.